DAVID J. Zucker
DAVID J. Zucker
Rabbi, Chaplain, and PhD
Rabbi, Chaplain, and PhD
Book Review: ‘Lamentations by John Goldingay' Biblical Theology Bulletin 54(3): 206-07.
Book Review: ‘The JPS Tanakh: The Gender-Sensitive Edition' Jewish Bible Quarterly 52(2): 128-130.
Book Review: ‘Biblical Women Speak: Hearing Their Voices Through New and Ancient Midrash by Marla J. Feldman’ Women in Judaism 20:1
Book Review: ‘Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible: Revised and Expanded, 4th ed. by Emanuel Tov’ Jewish Bible Quarterly 51(4): 266-268.
Book Review: ‘Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs by George Athas’ Biblical Theology Bulletin 53(4): 284-285.
Book Review: 'Games We Played by Shawne Steiger’ Women in Judaism 19:1.
Book Review: ‘Jerusalem: City of the Book by Merav Mack and Benjamin Balint' Biblical Theology Bulletin 53(1): 58-59.
Book Review: 'The Beauty of Dusk: On Vision Lost and Found by Frank Bruni’ CCAR Journal/The Reform Jewish Quarterly 70(1): 185-187.
Book Review: 'Family Papers: A Sephardic Journey Through the 20th Century by Sarah Abrevaya Stein’ CCAR Journal/The Reform Jewish Quarterly 69(4): 202-206.
Book Review: ‘The Prophetic Literature, by Carolyn J. Sharp’ Biblical Theology Bulletin 52 (3): 196-97.
Book Review: ‘Voices from the Ruins: Theodicy and the Fall of Jerusalem in the Hebrew Bible, by Dalit Rom-Shiloni' Jewish Bible Quarterly 50(3): 200-02.
Book Review: ‘Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, by George Athas’ Biblical Theology Bulletin 52 (2): 121-22.
Book Review: ‘Unbinding Isaac: The Significance of the Akedah for Modern Jewish Thought, by Aaron Koller’ Biblical Theology Bulletin 52 (1): 51-52.
Book Review: [by Professor Dan Cohn-Sherbok] ‘The Torah: An Introduction for Christians and Jews; The Bible’s Prophets: An Introduction for Christians and Jews; The Bible’s Writings: An Introduction for Christians and Jews, by David J. Zucker’ Biblical Theology Bulletin 52 (1): 50-51.
Book Review: ‘Jewish Bible Translations: Personalities, Passions, Politics, Progress, by Leonard Greenspoon’ Jewish Bible Quarterly 50(1): 58-60.
Book Review: ‘Unto Us A Child is Born: Isaiah, Advent, and Our Jewish Neighbors, by Tyler D. Mayfield’ Jewish Bible Quarterly 49(3): 194-196.
Book Review: ‘The Biblical Hero: Portraits in Nobility and Fallibility, by Elliot Rabin’ Jewish Bible Quarterly 49(3): 197-98.
Book Review: ‘Wisdom Literature, by Samuel E. Balentine’ Biblical Theological Bulletin, 51(3).
Book Review: ‘An Introduction to Israel’s Wisdom Traditions, by John J. Mclaughlin’ Biblical Theological Bulletin, 51(3).
Book Review: ‘The History of Bronze and Iron Age Israel, by Victor H. Matthews' Biblical Theological Bulletin, 51(42): 120-21.
Book Review: ‘Christobiography: Memory, History, and the Reliability of the Gospels, by Craig S. Keener’ Biblical Theological Bulletin, 51(42): 124-25.
Book Review: ‘Thinking About the Prophets: A Philosopher Reads the Bible, by Kenneth Seeskin’ Jewish Bible Quarterly, 49:2 (194), 128-30.
Book Review: ‘Unbinding Isaac: The Significance of the Akedah for Modern Jewish Thought, by Aaron Koller’ Jewish Bible Quarterly, 49:2 (194), 125-27.
Book Review: ‘Cain V. Abel: A Jewish Courtroom Drama, by Dan Orenstein' Jewish Bible Quarterly, 49:1 (193), 62-63.
Book Review: ‘The Hebrew Bible: Feminist and Intersectional Perspectives, by Gail A. Yee, ed.' Biblical Theological Bulletin, 51(1): 51-53.
Book Review: ‘1-2 Samuel, by Paul S. Evans’ Biblical Theological Bulletin, 51(1):53-54.
Book Review: 'A Life of Meaning: Embracing Reform Judaism’s Sacred Path. Dana Evan Kaplan, ed.' CCAR Journal/The Reform Jewish Quarterly 68:1, 224-229.
Book Review: 'Married to the Rabbi: Sixty Spouses of Retired Reform Rabbis in Their Own Words, Naomi Patz and Judith Maslin, eds.' CCAR Journal/The Reform Jewish Quarterly 68:1, 223-224.
Book Review: ‘Womanist Midrash: A Reintroduction to the Women of the Torah and the Throne by Wilda C. Gafney, ed.’ Biblical Theological Bulletin, 50:4.
Book Review: 'The NAME: A History of the Dual-Gendered Hebrew Name for God by Mark Sameth' Women in Judaism, 17(1).
Book Review: 'The Queen and the Spymaster: A Novel Based on the Story of Esther by Sandra E. Rapoport,' Women in Judaism, 16:2.
'Book Review: Talmudic Marital Dramas: Passion and Miscommunication, Intimacy and Spirituality, Love and Law [Nine volumes] by Noam Zion,' Women in Judaism, 16:1.
‘Book Review: The Commentator’s Bible: Miqra’ot Gedolot - Genesis by Michael Carasik, ed.' Jewish Bible Quarterly, 48:1, 59-61.
‘Book Review: Discovering Second Temple Literature: The Scriptures and Stories That Shaped Early Judaism by Malka Simkovich’ Jewish Bible Quarterly, 47:3, 201-203.
‘Book Review: The Commentator’s Bible by Michael Carasik, ed.’ CCAR Journal/The Reform Jewish Quarterly 66.3, 228-231.
‘Book Review: JPS Bible Commentary "Song of Songs" by Michael Fishbane’ Biblical Interpretation 26:3, 419-20.
‘Book Review: Discovering Second Temple Literature: The Scriptures and Stories That Shaped Early Judaism by Malka Simkovich’ Jewish Bible Quarterly, 47:3, 201-203.
‘Book Review: The Early Prophets: Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings: The Schocken Bible Vol. 2 by Everett Fox’ Jewish Bible Quarterly 46:1, 57-59.
‘Book Review: The Lord is My Shepherd: Psalms to Accompany Us on Our Journey Through Aging by Albert Micah Lewis’ The Asbury Journal 73:3, 153-154.
‘Book Review: ONE: An Invitation to Those Who Seek by Albert Micah Lewis’ The Asbury Journal 73:3, 153-154.
‘Book Review: The Female Ruse: Women's Deception and Divine Sanction in the Hebrew Bible by Rachel Adelman’ Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 14:1.
‘Book Review: Commentary and Notes, The Early Prophets: Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings, The Schocken Bible Vol. 2 by Everett Fox’ The Asbury Journal 72:1, 148-150.
‘Book Review: Jonah and the Meaning of Our Lives: a Verse-by-Verse Contemporary Commentary by Steven Bob’ Jewish Bible Quarterly 45:4, 269-271.
‘Book Review: Joseph: Portraits Through the Ages by Alan T. Levenson’ Jewish Bible Quarterly 45:4, 269-271.
‘Book Review: JPS Bible Commentary "Song of Songs" by Michael Fishbane’ CCAR Journal/Reform Jewish Quarterly 65:3, 175-176.
‘Book Review: Why People Pray by Mordechai Schreiber’ CCAR Journal/ Reform Jewish Quarterly 65:2,148-151.
Schreiber, M. ‘Book Review: The Bible's Prophets: An Introduction for Christians and Jews by David J. Zucker’ CCAR Journal/The Reform Jewish Quarterly 63:1
‘Book Review: Overcoming Stress: Advice for People Who Give Too Much by Tim Cantopher’ APC Forum [Association of Professional Chaplains], 19:1.
‘Book Review: Clergy Retirement: Every Ending a New Beginning for Clergy, Their Family, and the Congregation by Daniel A. Roberts and Michael Friedman’ Kol Korey Newsletter NAJC [Neshama: Association of Jewish Chaplains], 19.
‘Book Review: Accidental Grace by Rabbi Rami M. Shapiro’ APC Forum [Association of Professional Chaplains], 18:2.
‘Book Review: Grieving the Sudden Death of a Loved One: Guidance for When the Unthinkable Occurs [DVD] by Charity Spatzeck-Olsen’ APC Forum [Association of Professional Chaplains],18:3.
‘Book Review: Outside the Bible: Ancient Jewish Writings Related to Scripture (3 vols.) Louis H. Feldman, James L. Kugel, and Lawrence H. Schiffman, eds’ CCAR Journal/Reform Jewish Quarterly, 62:3, 140-142.
‘Book Review: The Days Between: Blessings, Poems, and Directions of the Heart for the Jewish High Holiday Season by Marcia Falk.’ Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 12:2.
‘Book Review: Ancient Jewish Writings Related to Scripture (3 vols.) Louis H. Feldman, James L. Kugel, and Lawrence H. Schiffman, eds’ Jewish Bible Quarterly, Vol. 43:4, 268-70.
‘Book Review: Israel Mattuck: The Inspirational Voice of Liberal Judaism by Danny Rich’ CCAR Journal/The Reform Jewish Quarterly, 62.4, 132-134.
‘Book Review: The Aging Mind: An Owner's Manual by Patrick Rabbit’ APC Forum (Association of Professional Chaplains), 17:6.
‘Book Review: The Lost Matriarch: Finding Leah in the Bible and Midrash by Jerry Rabow’ Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 11:2.
‘Book Review: Ancient Jewish Writings Related to Scripture (3 vols.) Louis H. Feldman, James L. Kugel, and Lawrence H. Schiffman, eds’ Biblical Interpretation 23:273-275.
‘Book Review: Women's Bible Commentary 3rd ed. Carol A. Newsom, Sharon H. Ringe, and Jacqueline E. Lapsley, eds’ Jewish Bible Quarterly 43:1, 60-61.
‘Book Review: Women's Bible Commentary 3rd ed. Carol A. Newsom, Sharon H. Ringe, and Jacqueline E. Lapsley, eds’The Asbury Journal 69:1, 99-101.
‘Book Review: Women's Bible Commentary 3rd ed. Carol A. Newsom, Sharon H. Ringe, and Jacqueline E. Lapsley, eds’ CCAR Journal 58.2, 172-175.
‘Book Review: The New Reform Judaism: Challenges and Reflections by Dana Evan Kaplan’ CCAR Journal 58.2, 172-175.
‘Book Review: A Bride for One Night: Talmud Tales by Ruth Calderon’ Women in Judaism: Multidisciplinary Journal 11:1.
‘Book Review: The JPS Bible Commentary--Jonah by Uriel Simon’ Jewish Bible Quarterly 42.1, 61-62.
Book Review: Unleavened Dead by Ilene Schneider’ Women in Judaism: Multidisciplinary Journal 10:2.
‘Book Review: Women's Bible Commentary 3rd ed. Carol A. Newsom, Sharon H. Ringe, and Jacqueline E. Lapsley, eds’ Women in Judaism: Multidisciplinary Journal 10:1.
‘Book Review: The JPS Bible Commentary-Ruth by Tamara Cohn Eskenazi and Tikva Frymer-Kensky’ Jewish Bible Quarterly 41.4, 267-269.
‘Book Review: The JPS Bible Commentary-Ruth by Tamara Cohn Eskenazi and Tikva Frymer-Kensky’ Women in Judaism: Multidisciplinary Journal 9:2.
‘Book Review: The JPS Bible Commentary—Esther by Adele Berlin’ Women in Judaism: Multidisciplinary Journal 9:1.
‘Book Review: A Caring Presence by Simeon Schreiber’ Journal of Jewish Spiritual Care: The Journal of the National Association of Jewish Chaplains, 12.1, 54-58.
‘Book Review: Professional and Spiritual Care: A Practical Clergy and Chaplain's Handbook by Stephen B. Roberts, ed’ e-Journal of the Association of Professional Chaplains 28:1, 44.
‘Book Review: Midrash & Medicine: Healing Body and Soul in the Jewish Interpretive Tradition Chaplaincy Today by William Cutter, ed’. e-Journal of the Association of Professional Chaplains 28:1, 44.
‘Book Review: JPS Guide: The Jewish Bible Michael Fishbane, Marc Zvi Brettler, Adele Berlin, eds’ Jewish Bible Quarterly 40.4: 270-271.
‘Book Review: A Caring Presence by Simeon Schreiber’ PlainViews [Chaplaincy E-Magazine] 9:4.
‘Book Review: (with Bonita E Taylor) The Art of Dying and Living by Kerry Walter’ PlainViews Chaplaincy [E-Magazine] 8:4.
‘Book Review: The Man Who Knew God by Mordecai Schreiber’ CCAR Journal 58.2: 144-146.
‘Book Review: The Torah: A Women's Commentary Tamara Cohn Eskenazi and Andrea L. Weiss, eds’ Jewish Bible Quarterly 39:125-130.
‘Book Reviews: The Contemporary Torah, David E. S. Stein, ed; The Torah: A Modern Commentary, Revised Edition W. Gunther Plaut, ed, David E. S. Stein, rev ed; The Torah: A Women's Commentary, Tamara Cohn and Andrea L. Weiss, eds’ CCAR Journal/Reform Jewish Quarterly 57:4, 187-195.
‘Book Review: Talking with God in Old Age: Meditations and Psalms by Missy Buchanan’ Chaplaincy Today [Electronic Magazine] 26:2.
‘Book Review: Etz Hayim: Torah and Modern Commentary David Lieber, ed’ Jewish Bible Quarterly 38:4, 265-271.
‘Book Review: A Clergy Guide to End-of-Life Issues by Martha R. Jacobs’ Chaplaincy Today [Electronic Magazine] 26:1.
‘Book Review: The Torah: A Modern Commentary, Revised Edition, W. Gunther Plaut, ed, David E. S. Stein, rev ed’ Jewish Bible Quarterly 38.2.
‘Book Review: A Clergy Guide to End-of-Life Issues by Martha R Jacobs’
PlainViews [Chaplaincy E-Magazine], 7:4.2009
‘Book Review: The Torah: A Women's Commentary, Tamara Cohn and Andrea L. Weiss, eds’ Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal 6:2.
‘Book Review: Subversive Sequels in the Bible: How Biblical Stories Mine and Undermine Each Other by Judy Klitsner’ Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal 6:2.
‘Book Review: Survival in Shanghai: The Journals of Fred Marcus by Audrey Friedman Marcus and Rena Krasno’ Asian Avenue Magazine 4.11, 12.
‘Book Review: Who are the Real Chosen People: the Meaning of Chosenness in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; Shalom/Salaam/Peace: a Liberation Theology of Hope by Reuven Firestone’ Journal of Ecumenical Studies 44:4, 695-696.
‘Book Review: Jewish Visions for Aging: A Professional Guide for Fostering Wholeness by Dayle A. Friedman’ Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling, 63:3-4.
'Book Review: Repair of the Soul: Metaphors of Transformation in Jewish Mysticism and Psychoanalysis by Karen E. Starr’ Journal of Pastoral Theology 19:1,75-76.
‘Book Review: ABCs of Healthy Grieving: A Companion for Everyday Coping by Harold Ivan Smith’ Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling 6:1.
‘Book Review: ABCs of Healthy Grieving: A Companion for Everyday Coping by Harold Ivan Smith’ Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling’ Healing Ministry, 16:3, 40.
'Book Review: Encountering Other Faiths by Maria Hornung’ Journal of Ecumenical Studies 44:2, 325-326.
‘Book Review: Jewish Visions for Aging: A Professional Guide for Fostering Wholeness by Dayle A. Friedman’ Chaplaincy Today -- e-Journal of the Association of Professional Chaplains 25:1.‘Book Review: Faith & Fitness: Diet And Exercise for a Better World by Tom P. Hafer’ Chaplaincy Today -- e-Journal of the Association of Professional Chaplains 25:1.
‘Book Review: ABCs of Healthy Grieving: A Companion for Everyday Coping by Harold Ivan Smith’ Chaplaincy Today -- e-Journal of the Association of Professional Chaplains 25:1.
‘Book Review: What Can I Do? Ideas to Help Those Who Have Experienced Loss by Barbara A. Glanz’ Chaplaincy Today -- e-Journal of the Association of Professional Chaplains 25:1.
‘Book Review: Talking to God by Naomi Levy’ PlainViews [Chaplaincy E-Magazine] 5:20.
‘Book Review: Encountering Other Faiths by Maria Hornung’ Chaplaincy Today, 24:2, 48-49.
‘Book Review: The Mystery of Death by Dorothy Soelle’ Chaplaincy Today, 24:1, 49-50.
‘Book Review: Living Forward: Spiritual Wisdom for Successful Retirement by C. W. Brewster’ Chaplaincy Today 24:1, 53.
‘Book Review: Spiritual Triage: Timely Meditations for Health-care Workers by Kaaren A. Nowicki’ PlainViews [Chaplaincy E-Magazine] 5:9.
‘Book Review: Jewish Relational Care A-Z: We Are Our Other's Keeper by Jack H Bloom, ed’ PlainViews [Chaplaincy E-Magazine] 5:5.
‘Book Review: Tear Soup: A Recipe for Healing After Loss by Pat Schwiebert and Chuck DeKlyen, illustrated by Taylor Bliss’ PlainViews [Chaplaincy E-Magazine] 4:19.
‘Book Review: The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion’ Chaplaincy Today, Autumn/Winter 23:2, 53.
‘Book Review: A Time for Listening and Caring: Spirituality and the Care of the Chronically Ill and Dying by Christina M. Puchalski, ed’ Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling 61:3, 279-280.
‘Book Review: Good Grief: A Novel by Lolly Winston’ PlainViews [Chaplaincy E-Magazine] 4:12.‘Book Review: Loss in Later Life by Kenneth Doka, ed’ Chaplaincy Today 48-49, 51-54.
‘Book Review: A Time for Listening and Caring: Spirituality and the Care of the Chronically Ill and Dying by Christina M. Puchalski, ed’ Chaplaincy Today 48-49, 51-54.‘Book Review: Jewish Relational Care A-Z: We Are Our Other's Keeper by Jack H Bloom, ed’ Chaplaincy Today 48-49, 51-54.
‘Book Review: Jewish Relational Care A-Z: We Are Our Other's Keeper by Jack H Bloom, ed’ Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling 6:1-2, 159-160.2006
‘Book Review: End-of-life Care: Bridging Disability and Aging with Person-centered Care by William C. Gaventa and David L. Coulter, eds’ Chaplaincy Today, 22.2, 51-52.
‘Book Review: The Blessings of a Broken Heart by Sherri Mandell’ PlainViews [Chaplaincy E-Magazine] 3.19.
‘Book Review: Handbook for Chaplains by of Mary M. Toole’ Vision [National Association of Catholic Chaplains journal] 16.9, 19
‘Book Review: Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith and Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith’ by Anne Lamott’ PlainViews [Chaplaincy E-Magazine] 3.12
‘Book Review: Jewish and Catholic Bioethics: An Ecumenical Dialogue, Edmund D. Pellegrino and Alan A. Feden, eds’ (with T. Patrick Bradley) PlainViews [Chaplaincy E-Magazine] 3.9.
‘Book Review: Blue Shoe by Anne Lamott’ PlainViews [Chaplaincy E-Magazine] 3.7.
‘Book Review: Jewish Pastoral Care: A Practical Handbook, 2nd Edition Revised and Expanded by Dayle A. Friedman, ed’ Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling, 60.1-2, 177-179.
‘Book Review: Living Through Pain: Psalms and the Search for Wholeness by Kristen M. Swenson’ Chaplaincy Today, 22.1, 49-50.
‘Book Review: "Measures of Chaplain Performance and Productivity," (Catholic Health Initiatives, 2002)’ PlainViews [Chaplaincy E-Magazine] 3.3.2005
‘Book Review: Biblical Stories for Psychotherapy and Counseling: A Sourcebook by Matthew B. Schwartz and Kalman J. Kaplan’ Chaplaincy Today, 21.2, 50-53.
‘Book Review: Jewish Pastoral Care: A Practical Handbook, 2nd Edition Revised and Expanded by Dayle A. Friedman, ed’ Chaplaincy Today, 21.2, 50-53.
‘Book Review: Living Through Pain: Psalms and the Search for Wholeness by Kristen M. Swenson’ PlainViews [Chaplaincy E-Magazine] 2.18.
‘Book Review: Mental Health and Spirituality in Later Life by Elizabeth MacKinlay, ed’ Chaplaincy Today, 21.l, 49-50.
‘Book Review: An Hour in Paradise: Stories by Joan Leegant’ CCAR Journal, 52.1, 101-102.2004
‘Book Review: Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church: Trusting the Clergy? by Marie M. Fortune and W. Merle Longwood, eds’ Vision [National Association of Catholic Chaplains journal], November-December, 14.10, 20-21.
‘Book Review: The Rabbi As Symbolic Exemplar by Jack H. Bloom’ Chaplaincy Today [Association of Professional Chaplains journal] 20.1, 52-53.
‘Book Review: ‘Pastoral Counseling: A Gestalt Approach by Ward A. Knight’ Chaplaincy Today [Association of Professional Chaplains journal] 20.1, 52-53.
‘Book Review: The Rabbi As Symbolic Exemplar by Jack H. Bloom’ Jewish Spiritual Care, [NAJC Journal] 6.2, 29-31
Book Review: The Rabbi As Symbolic Exemplar by Jack H. Bloom’ Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling, 57.4, 480-481.
‘Book Review: Talking to God by Naomi Levy’ Jewish Spiritual Care, [NAJC Journal] 6.1, 26-27.2002
‘Book Review: At the Entrance of the Garden of Eden: A Jew's Search for God with Christians and Muslims in the Holy Land by Yossi Klein Halevi’ Jewish Spectator Review of Books, 66.3-4, 20-25.
‘Book Review: Children of Abraham: An Introduction to Islam For Jews by Khalid Duran with Abdelwahab Hechiche’ Jewish Spectator Review of Books, 66.3-4, 20-25.
‘Book Review: Esther: The JPS Bible Commentary by Adele Berlin, ed’ Jewish Spectator Review of Books, 66.3-4, 20-25.
‘Book Review: The Way Into Jewish Mystical Tradition by Lawrence Kushner’ Jewish Spectator Review of Books, 66.3-4, 20-25.
‘Book Review: A Short History of the Jewish People: From Legendary Times to Modern Statehood’ by Raymond P. Scheindlin’ Jewish Spectator Review of Books, 66.3-4, 20-25.
‘Book Review: On Her Way Home by Harriet Rochlin’ Jewish Spectator Review of Books, 66.3-4, 20-25.
‘Book Review: Old Men at Midnight by Chaim Potok’ Jewish Spectator Review of Books, 66.3-4, 20-25.
‘Book Review: My Life as a Chaplain by Charles A. Spirn’ Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling, 56.1, 91-92.
‘Book Review: But Who Am I, and Who Are My People? by Marc D. Angel’ Jewish Spectator Review of Books, Winter.
‘Book Review: My Life as a Chaplain by Charles A. Spirn’ Jewish Spectator Review of Books, Winter.
'Book Review: Letters of Faith by Manuel Laderman’ Jewish Spectator Review of Books, Winter.
‘Book Review: Good Harbor by Anita Diamant’ Jewish Spectator Review of Books, Winter.
‘Book Review: The Dying Animal by Philip Roth’ Jewish Spectator Review of Books, Winter.
‘Book Review: The Wholeness of a Broken Heart by Katie Singer’ Jewish Spectator Review of Books, 66.2, 6-10.
‘Book Review: The Way into Jewish Prayer by Lawrence A. Hoffman’ Jewish Spectator Review of Books, 66.2, 6-10.
‘Book Review: Paradise Park by Allegra Goodman’ Jewish Spectator Review of Books, 66.2, 6-10.
‘Book Review: King David: A Biography by Steven L. McKenzie’ Jewish Spectator Review of Books, 66.2, 6-10.
‘Book Review: Close Encounters with the Religious Right: Journeys into the Twilight Zone by Robert Boston’ Jewish Spectator Review of Books, 66.2, 6-10.
‘Book Review: The Kingdom of Brooklyn by Merrill Joan Gerber’ Jewish Spectator Review of Books, 66.2, 6-10.
‘Book Review: Just Revenge by Alan M. Dershowitz’ Jewish Spectator Review of Books, 66.2, 6-10.
‘Book Review: The Talmud and the Internet: A Journey Between Worlds by Jonathan Rosen ‘Jewish Spectator Review of Books, Summer, 2001, 66.1, 19-20
‘Book Review: The Wholeness of a Broken Heart by Katie Singer’ Lilith.
‘Book Review To Begin Again: The Journey Toward Comfort, Strength and Faith in Difficult Time by Naomi Levy’ CCAR Journal 48.1, 102-105.
‘Book Review: When Life Hurts: A Book of Hope by Wayne Dosick’ CCAR Journal 48.1, 102-105.
‘Book Review Evangelizing the Chosen People: Missions to the Jews in America, 1880-2000 by Yaacov Ariel’ Jewish Spectator Review of Books 65.3, 19-22.
‘Book Review: Messianic Judaism by Dan Cohn-Sherbok’ Jewish Spectator Review of Books 65.3, 19-22.
‘Book Review: Beyond Patriarchy: Jewish Fathers and Families by Lawrence Fuchs’ Jewish Spectator Review of Books 65.3, 19-22.
‘Book Review The Road to Fez by Ruth Knafo Setton’ (with Bonita E Taylor) Lilith.
1990 - 2000
Note: in this section years are listed because it covers a decade.
‘Book Review: The Peddler's Grandson by Edward Cohen’ Jewish Spectator Review of Books [1999] 65.1, 2-5.
‘Book Review: Hitler’s Pope by John Cornwell’ Jewish Spectator Review of Books [1999] 65.1, 2-5.
‘Book Review: To Begin Again by Naomi Levy’ Jewish Spectator Review of Books [1999] 65.1, 2-5.
‘Book Review: Becoming a Jewish Parent by Daniel Gordis’ Jewish Spectator Review of Books [1999] 65.1, 2-5.
‘Book Review: Woman of the Cloth by Roger E. Herst’ CCAR Journal, [1999] 46/4. 52-53.‘Book Review: The Shengold Encyclopedia by Mordechai Schreiber, ed’ CCAR Journal, [1999] 46/4. 52-53.
‘Book Review: Land of Dreams: An Israeli Childhood by Mordechai Schreiber’ Jewish Spectator, [1999] 63.3, 52-53.‘Book Review: Woman of the Cloth by Roger E. Herst’ Jewish Spectator, [1999] 63.3, 52-53.
‘Book Review: Kaaterskill Falls by Allegra Goodman’ Jewish Spectator, [1999] 63.3, 52-53.
‘Book Review: The Holy Sepulchre: The Church of the Resurrection - An Ecumenical Guide by J. Robert Wright’ Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Spring, [1998] 35.2, 301-302.‘Book Review: Anxious for Armageddon: A Call to Partnership for Middle Eastern and Western Christians by Donald E. Wagner’ Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Spring, [1998] 35.2, 301-302.
‘Book Review: Jesus and the Holy City: New Testament Perspectives on Jerusalem, by Peter W. L. Walker’ [1998] Journal of Ecumenical Studies.
‘Book Review: The Bones of Berdichev: The Life and Fate of Vasily Grossman by John and Carol Garrard’ Jewish Spectator, [1998] 63.1, 48-51.‘Book Review: American Jewish Orthodoxy in Historical Perspective by Jeffrey S. Gurock’ Jewish Spectator, [1998] 63.1, 48-51.
‘Book Review: The Pomegranate Pendant, by Dvora Waysman’ Jewish Spectator, [1998] 63.1, 48-51.
‘Book Review: The Haunted Land: Facing Europe's Ghosts After Communism by Tina Rosenberg’ Jewish Spectator [1998], 62.3, 48-51.‘Book Review; In The Memory of the Forest by Charles T. Powers’ Jewish Spectator [1998], 62.3, 48-51.
‘Book Review: Mass Hate: The Global Rise of Genocide by Neil J. Kressel’ Jewish Spectator [1998], 62.3, 48-51.
‘Book Review: Fuhrer-Ex: Memoirs of a Former Neo-Nazi by Ingo Hasselbach’ Jewish Spectator [1998], 62.3, 48-51.
Book Review: ; Never The Last Journey by Felix Zandman’ Jewish Spectator [1998], 62.3, 48-51.
‘Book Review: Renewing Your Soul by David A. Cooper’ Jewish Spectator, Summer [199] 62.1, 51.
‘Book Review: America and the Holy Land Moshe Davis’ [1996] Journal of Ecumenical Studies 33.4, 590-591.‘Book Review: Jerusalem Past and Present in the Purposes of God by P. W. L. Walker, ed’ [1996] Journal of Ecumenical Studies 33.4, 590-591.
‘Book Review: Counseling and Psychotherapy of Religious Clients: A Developmental Approach by of Vicky Genia’ Review of Religious Research [1996] 37.3, 270-271.
‘Book Review: Sparks Beneath the Surface by Larry Kushner and Kerry Olitzky’ Jewish Spectator [Summer 1995] 60, 63.
‘Book Review: Facing the Abusing God: A Theology of Protest by David Blumenthal’ Jewish Spectator [1995] 59.4, 59-60.
‘Book Review: Not a Job For A Nice Jewish Boy Dan Cohn-Sherbok’ Jewish Spectator [1994], 59.1, 56.
‘Book Review: Does GOD Belong in the Bedroom? by Michael Gold’ Jewish Spectator [1994], 58.4, 61-62.
‘Book Review: What is the Use of Jewish History? by Lucy S. Dawidowicz’ Jewish Spectator [1993] 58.2, 59-60.
‘Book Review: So Your Values Live On: Ethical Wills and How to Prepare Them ("Touching the Future") by Jack Riemer and Nathaniel Stampfer’ Jewish Spectator [1992-1993] 57.3, 58-59.
‘Book Review: Toward a Theological Encounter by Leon Klenicki, ed’ Jewish Spectator [1992] 57.2, 56-58.‘Book Review: Appointment in Jerusalem by Max Dimont’ Jewish Spectator [1992] 57.2, 56-58.
‘Book Review: A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus, by John P. Meier’ Jewish Spectator [1992] 57.2, 56-58.
‘Book Review: Your People, My People: Finding Fulfillment as a Jew by Choice by Lena Romanoff with Lisa Holstein’ Jewish Spectator [1991-1992] 56.3, 50-51.
‘Book Review: Rabbis and Lawyers: The Journey from Torah to Constitution by Jerold S. Auerbach’ Jewish Spectator [1991] 56.2, 50-52.
‘Book Review: In the Lion's Den: The Life of Oswald Rufeisen by Nehama Tec’ Jewish Spectator [1991] 55.4, 54-56.
‘Book Review: Ideas of Jewish History by Michael Meyer’ Jewish Spectator [1990-1991] 55.3, 52-54.
‘Book Review: From Slobodka to Berlin: Jewish Transition Figures from Eastern Europe by Hillel Goldberg’ Jewish Spectator [1990] 55.1, 56-57.Before 1990
Note: in this section years are listed because it covers more than a decade
‘Book Review: The Jews of Poland, by C. Abramsky, et. al’ Jewish Spectator [1989] 54.2, 57-59.
‘Book Review: Religion and Society in the American West: Historical Essays’ The Journal of American History [1988].
‘Book Review: The Book of Abraham by Marek Halter’ Jewish Spectator [1986] 51.3, 50-51.
‘Book Review: Davita's Harp by Chaim Potok’ Jewish Spectator [1985], 50.2, 53-54.
‘Book Review: The Stories of Bernard Malamud by Bernard Malamud’ Jewish Spectator [1984] 49.2, 55-57.
Book Review: Intermarriage and the Jewish Future: A National Study in Summary by Egon Meyer and Carl Shengold’ Common Ground, [London, England, 1979] 4, 23-24.
‘Book Review: The Eternal Bliss Machine by Marcia Seligon’ Marriage Guidance, [London, England, 1974] 15.6, 238.
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